The old saying is that if there’s smoke, there’s fire—but when it comes to house fires, that might not always be the case. There are tons of stories of people sensing a burning smell in their home, only to find that everything is seemingly normal. If that happens to you, it’s important to know the […]
What Are the Different Classes of Fire Extinguishers?
Whether you’re a homeowner or business owner, you should always have a fire extinguisher on hand to put out flames in an emergency—but it’s important to note that not all fire extinguishers are created equal, and choosing the wrong one might not help you in a fire. This post will teach you how to shop […]
How Long Does a Fire Extinguisher Last?
Your home fire extinguisher has been sitting there for years. Maybe it’s tucked in a closet or cabinet, or maybe it’s hanging on the wall. You’re not sure how long it’s been there or what the fire extinguisher lifespan might be. Is it still good? Here’s what you need to know. Fire extinguishers don’t last […]
Will All Fire Sprinklers Go Off Simultaneously and Flood My Home?
You’ve seen it in the movies. A lighter held up to one sprinkler sets off the entire fire sprinkler system, floods the place with water and causes everyone to evacuate (usually so someone can escape the building undetected). It makes for a nice Hollywood scene, but this isn’t how a home fire sprinkler system actually […]
Should Your Employees Fight a Small Fire or Evacuate?
Every business needs a comprehensive plan on what to do in the event of a fire. The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) offers guidelines on how best to instruct employees on what to do in an event of a fire. In instances with a large fire, it’s clear that employees should all evacuate […]