Category Archives: Fire Prevention

Stay Safe This Summer: Essential Tips for Preventing Fires

Summer is a season filled with sunshine, outdoor activities, and relaxation. However, it’s also a time when the risk of fires increases due to various factors like dry weather, outdoor cooking, and fireworks. To ensure a safe and enjoyable summer for you and your loved ones, it’s crucial to be aware of potential fire hazards […]

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Common Household Items That Are Highly Flammable

  Common Household Items That Are Highly Flammable Fires are an ever-present threat in homes. They are often caused by a mixture of flammable materials that can ignite easily and quickly spread to different parts of a house. Common items such as rubbing alcohol, aerosol cans and hair sprays are all highly flammable. By understanding […]

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How To Clean Up Fire Extinguisher Residue

  How To Clean Up Fire Extinguisher Residue The use of a fire extinguisher is an invaluable tool to help save lives and property. But after using one, it’s important to clean up the residue. The recommended cleaning methods vary depending on the type of extinguisher you used. This guide will show you how to […]

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How Long Do Commercial Fire Pumps Last?

Fire pumps are an integral part of fire sprinklers and are considered the heart of any building’s safety system. The apparatus helps drive enough pressure and extra water volume to the fire protection system, making it easier to get plenty of water to extinguish fire anywhere in the building. That’s why you may want to […]

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