Important Summer Fire Safety Tips

Summer is here, and with summer comes a lot more exposure to and interaction with fire—think backyard bonfires for roasting marshmallows, campfires when you’re out camping in the wilderness, barbecues with friends, etc.

According to the United States Fire Administration, summertime is one of the most dangerous times of year for accidents related to fire. In many cases, fire-related accidents could be easily avoided with more caution on the part of people enjoying a fire.

With this in mind, here are some fire safety tips from a fire protection company in 30721 for you to put into practice all summer long:

  • Grilling: Grilling is a favorite summertime activity, and involves a lot of heat and open flames. Make sure you keep your grill a good distance away from your home, and do not place it under any overhanging branches or wires. You should also remove debris and grease after using, and never leave the grill unattended. Before you leave your home, make sure the grill is turned off or that you have doused the coals. It’s a good idea to keep a bucket of water close by, just to be safe.
  • Fireworks: Fireworks are illegal in many parts of the country, but if they’re legal in your area, make sure you practice good safety with them. No fireworks are safe enough for young children to use without adult supervision, even sparklers or pinwheels. Never try to re-light fireworks if they didn’t work properly—dump them in a bucket of water instead. Give plenty of space when lighting fireworks, and don’t try to light too many at once. Don’t light fireworks off if the weather is extremely dry.
  • Campfires: Campfire safety is crucial when you’re out in the woods. Always put the flames out when you’re done. As tempting as it is to fall asleep next to a fire, the embers could easily blow to other surrounding areas and start fires. Dump water or sand on the fire before you go to bed, and before you leave the site. Make sure you choose an appropriate area for a campfire (ideally an existing fire pit). Keep away from vegetation, and surround the pit with rocks. Follow all campsite rules for fires, and never use flammable liquids to start them. Keep your campfire under control so it does not get too high or hot. And of course, make sure you know the fire danger risk for the area—if it’s too dry, you might not be allowed to burn.
  • Know “stop, drop and roll”: Make sure you know how to stop, drop and roll if you catch on fire.
  • Know the law: Check the law or ordinances in your area to see the specific rules regarding open flames. This includes distance from structures and vegetation, limitations with regard to the type of fire pit or size of fire and anything else that might be important to know to stay safe and compliant.

For more information about fire safety or to learn how a fire prevention company in Varnell, GA can help keep your property safe, contact Carpet Capital Fire Protection Inc. today.