How Long Do Commercial Fire Pumps Last?

Fire pumps are an integral part of fire sprinklers and are considered the heart of any building’s safety system. The apparatus helps drive enough pressure and extra water volume to the fire protection system, making it easier to get plenty of water to extinguish fire anywhere in the building.

That’s why you may want to keep them in good shape all the time to ensure they work excellently when you need them most. In this post, we will discuss how often you should service your fire pump and its general lifespan to help you prepare.

How Often Should You Service Your Commercial Fire Pump?

Given the intricacy and importance of this equipment, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) generally recommends two categories of commercial inspection:

Weekly inspections: These kinds of inspections can be conducted by staff or onsite facility personnel for the sake of convenience.

Monthly, quarterly, semiannual, annual, or biennial inspections: These kinds of inspections must be conducted by a fire safety professional as they often include testing pressure, discharge and suction. They should ensure all valves are in the ON position and the fire pump controller is in a normal state.

The NFPA does not mandate specific forms to be used for weekly inspections. However, they say that it’s imperative to note down that every item that needs to be inspected has been inspected at the right frequency. The organization also notes that professionals must conduct the inspection according to the fire pump manufacturer’s specifications.

What Is the General Lifespan of Commercial Fire Pumps?

The typical lifespan of a fire pump is about 20 to 25 years. They can even last longer if maintenance is done regularly. You need to hire the best fire protection professionals to conduct routine inspections and testing. The technicians will check the operation of the casing relief valve, the pressure gauges, and the automatic air release valve. They will also check whether the pump is greased according to the manufacturer’s specifications and perform preventative replacements and repairs as the apparatus ages.

When Should You Replace Your Fire Pump?

While a fire pump can last up to 25 years, its lifespan is often affected by factors such as atmospheric conditions and replacement part availability. The coastal regions, which have a higher concentration of salts in the air, can speed up the corrosion of the fire pump components. Such conditions are detrimental to the fire pump as parts may require regular repairs or replacement to keep the fire protection system in good condition.

Since they’re designed to last, many people experience challenges finding parts for their older systems. If a manufacturer discontinued a model 10 years ago, it’s almost impossible to find its parts in your local store. Unfortunately, you may be forced to replace the fire pump.

Get in Touch With the Right Fire Prevention Professionals

When a fire breaks out in your Dalton home or business, you need the right people and equipment to protect lives and property. Carpet Capital Fire Protection services cover all aspects of fire protection and prevention. We help you stay prepared in the event of a fire emergency by keeping your fire equipment in good condition. Contact us today for all your fire prevention system installation and maintenance.